Analyzing Traffic from LinkedIn and Snovio Campaigns Using GA4


Effective marketing campaigns require detailed analysis to understand how users interact with your website after clicking on your campaign links.


  • Published on:
  • July 11, 2024
  • Author:
  • Mateusz Wójcicki


  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • UI Design

This post will guide you through setting up and analyzing traffic from LinkedIn and Snovio campaigns using Google Analytics 4 (GA4). You will learn to track the number of visitors from each channel, understand their behavior on your site, and filter other data from these sources.

Step 1: Setting Up UTM Parameters

To track traffic from your LinkedIn and Snovio campaigns, add UTM parameters to the URLs you include in your outreach messages. UTM parameters are tags you add to a URL, which helps GA4 identify the source, medium, and campaign name.

Here's a breakdown of the main UTM parameters:

  • utm_source: Identifies the source of the traffic (LinkedIn, Snovio).
  • utm_medium: Identifies the medium of the traffic (email, social).
  • utm_campaign: Identifies the specific campaign (outreach_campaign_june2024).

Example URL with UTM Parameters

For LinkedIn:

For Snovio:

Step 2: Setting Up GA4

Log in to your GA4 account.

Navigate to the 'Acquisition' Reports:

  • Go to the 'Reports' section.
  • Select 'Acquisition' from the menu.
  • Click on 'Traffic acquisition.'

Create Custom Segments:

  • In the 'Traffic acquisition' report, click 'Add comparison.'
  • Create a segment for LinkedIn traffic:
  • Filter by utm_source equals 'linkedin.'
  • Create a segment for Snovio traffic:
  • Filter by utm_source equals 'snovio.'

Analyzing User Behavior:

  • Once you have the segments, you can analyze user behavior by comparing metrics like bounce rate, pages per session, and average session duration for LinkedIn and Snovio traffic.
  • Look at the 'Engagement' and 'Monetization' reports to understand how users from these campaigns interact with your site.

Step 3: Filtering Data by Source

Create Custom Explorations:

  • Go to the 'Explore' section in GA4.
  • Click on 'Create a new exploration.'
  • Use the segments created earlier to filter the data.
  • Add metrics and dimensions relevant to your analysis, such as 'Page Title,' 'Event Count,' 'Conversions,' etc.

Custom Reports:

  • Create custom reports if needed by going to the 'Reports' section and clicking 'Library.'
  • Customize the existing reports or create new ones to focus specifically on LinkedIn and Snovio traffic.

Step 4: Using Filters

  • Use the filter option in your reports to narrow down data further. For example, you can filter by specific pages visited, events triggered, or even user demographics.
  • To apply a filter, click on the filter icon in the top right corner of your report and set your conditions.


By setting up UTM parameters and using GA4, you can gain valuable insights into how your LinkedIn and Snovio campaigns perform. Tracking your traffic source helps you understand which campaigns are most effective and how visitors from different channels engage with your website. This information is crucial for optimizing your marketing efforts and achieving better results in future campaigns.

Remember to regularly check your GA4 reports and custom explorations to monitor your campaign performance.